Medical Needs

Supporting Children with Medical Needs in School


Medical conditions

If a pupil has an ongoing medical concern parents must contact the school as we will ensure that we have the correct protocol, will seek the advice of the school nurse and ensure the appropriate risk assessments or training for staff can be arranged.



Parents must ensure that office records are kept up to date regarding medical issues. Staff cannot administer medication if it is not in its original container, with a prescription label and in date. Where practicable, we expect parents to dispense medication to a child who needs it in the school day. The required medicine form must be completed by a parent. We cannot accept medicines and authorisation from a child.


Asthma Inhalers

Inhalers are kept in a named class bag in the office. This class bag will then accompany them when they leave the classroom e.g. for PE and visits.



Staff are trained in dealing with anaphylactic shock. Epi-pens are stored in the school office where they are always accessible and should be provided in a box with a pupil's name, photograph and protocol.



We have a number of pupils at the school with allergies. Our catering staff are exceptional at creating meals for these pupils following completion of the CCS form. Parents are reminded that we have a no nut policy which includes those bringing in packed lunches, snacks and contributions towards events.

A copy of our policy for supporting pupils with medical needs, along with our policy for supporting pupils with health needs who are unable to attend school, can be found on the policies page of the school website.