Violet Class

Welcome to the Violet Class page.
Miss Fonseka is the class teacher every morning, ably assisted by Mrs Richards and Miss McCabe. 
In the afternoon Violet class are taught by either Miss McCabe, Mr Herd or Mrs McGregor.
If you need to contact Miss Fonseka or Mrs MCGregor, email is the best way:
Supporting with learning at home
The following ideas can be used to support your child with their learning at home:
  • Reading.  Listen to your child read aloud at least three times a week.  Reading aloud is a key skill for children and supports them with comprehension, developing empathy for characters, inferring meaning from punctuation and decoding.  In Year 6, we are monitoring the books children are reading at home using their reading diaries.  Please check your child's reading diary periodically to see what books they have read.  You might want to ask their opinion on the last book they read.
  • Times tables.  Support your child to rapidly recall the times tables up to 12 x 12.  If they can do this, they will begin to make connections across other areas of maths and internalise key skills much quicker.  If they already know the times tables, support them to derive related facts.  For example, if I know 4 x 3 = 12, what else do I know?  (0.3 x 0.4 = 0.12, 4 x 30 = 120, 12/0.3 = 40, 30 x 400 = 12,000 etc.)
Here are some photos of us in lessons this week.  We've been very busy!  
In computing the children are using TinkerCad to create 3D models and develop their programming skills.
In maths we are focusing this term on fractions, decimals and percentages.  We will also be using our knowledge of place value to carry out the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) using the short written method.  In shape and space, we will be exploring how to find the area of triangles using our knowledge of rectilinear shapes.
In SPaG this we are learning about determiners, noun phrases, progressive tense and clauses (relative, main and subordinate).
Thank you to all the parents and carers who supported the children to complete their homework on time this week.  It was fantastic to see the children completing it to such a high standard :)  Don't forget that on a Monday, Mrs Carridge will be running a homework club for children who would benefit from additional support.
Key skills
Please find information and tasks below which focus on the key skills and knowledge Year 6 pupils need to have embedded by the end of the academic year.  Any opportunity the children have at home to practise these, will benefit them in the classroom.
SATs preparation meeting took place on Wednesday 22nd March.  Below is a copy of the slides that were shared during the meeting.