RE and World Views

At Barrington Church of England school we follow the SACRE Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Rutland Locally Agreed Syllabus 2023-2028. The document in full is below for parents and the wider community to read. 
We use the Understanding Christianity resource with the Emmanuel Project for World Faiths and Views to meet the statutory requirements of the Locally Agreed Syllabus 2023-2028
Children from a range of faiths attend our school and our curriculum is organised to reflect the local demographic context. 
The school was founded in 1838 by the local vicar who set up a Trust Deed which hangs in our front entrance hall and the school's curriculum reflects this.
As well as having weekly RE and World View lessons, we also have Whole School enrichment days where we invite members of World Religions in to talk about their faith and share their beliefs. Our recent visits have included Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist visitors which all classes have participated in.