Well being and Mental Health


At Barrington Primary School, we understand the need for everyone in our school to have a healthy lifestyle. This helps pupils and staff to do their best and build on their achievements. We actively promote physical and emotional health, and aim to equip pupils with the understanding and skills they need to make informed decisions about their health, both now and in the future. By championing healthy eating, healthy lifestyles and emotional health and well-being, we are aiming to continue to raise standards and improve levels of pupil achievement. 

We are committed to the well-being of children and staff. As a school we invest in staff training in this area, several members of staff have completed training on supporting children's mental health and Gill Davies is trained as a mental health first aider.

 Our governor with responsibility for well-being and mental health is Helen Cobley.

We have a Well-being Ministry which involves the children in promoting mental health and well-being and enables the children to have a voice in how we develop this are of work in our school.

All teachers have had 'raising achievement through mental well-being' training and we have a well-being policy and an action plan to develop positive mental health for both staff and children.

Through our action, interactions, the ethos we create and the curriculum we offer in health and well-being we aim to encourage all members of our community to:

  • develop self-awareness, self-worth and respect for others
  • meet challenges, manage change and build relationships
  • experience personal achievement and build resilience and confidence
  • understand and develop physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing and social skills
  • understand how what we eat, how active we are and how the decisions we make about our behaviour and relationships affect our physical and mental wellbeing
  • participate in a wide range of activities which promote a healthy lifestyle
  • understand that adults in a school community have a responsibility to look after the young people in our care , listen to their concerns and involve others where necessary
  • learn about where to find help and resources to inform choices
  • assess and manage risk and understand the impact of risk-taking behaviour
  • reflect on our strengths and skills to help me make informed choices when planning next steps
  • acknowledge diversity and understand that it is everyone’s responsibility to challenge discrimination.


A copy of our whole school health and well-being policy can be found on the policies page of this website. 

The camh resources  website has been created for young people, parents/carers, teachers and other professionals.  It is a central point for good quality information on keeping well, self-help and support services.  


You can also access mental health crisis support by dialling 111 and selecting option 2.  The service is available to anyone, of any age, currently living in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough in mental health crisis.  Individuals may call themselves or on behalf of someone else in crisis.