The aim of this report is to give parents information about how we support children’s learning in our school.
Our Primary School is an inclusive school and we offer a range of provision to support children with SEND, where the school has identified a need and staffing levels allow. Children’s needs are identified in the half termly pupil progress meetings and resources are allocated according to need.

All the interventions at our school are delivered by staff who have had training in running these groups. The provision in these groups is overseen by our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo.) Our School SENCo is Mrs Gill Davies and she can be contacted by emailing
Our SEND governor is Nicky Rushton.
Special Educational Needs 2021 Report

To download a copy of the 2021 SEND report please click the link below.

If you have any questions please contact Mrs Davies. Alternatively e-mail Mrs Davies (
Further information about the range of services available in Cambridgeshire can be found on the county's Local Offer. This website outlines the services available, the criteria to qualify to access each service and referral information. It can be accessed on the following link.
A copy of our school SEND Policy can be found on the policies page of this website.
DDA accessibility plan 2019-2022

The 1995 disability Discrimination Act (DDA) requires schools to have an accessibility plan to improve access to education for pupils over time. We aim to increase this access by reviewing our provision in three areas:

  1. Increased access to the curriculum for disabled pupils
  2. Improving the physical environment of the school to increase access to education and associated physical services at the school
  3. Improve the provision of information for disabled pupils where it is provided in writing for pupils who are not disabled.
We will report our plan to parents annually, and renew our policy every three years. Financial planning will take the plan’s actions into account. Where we encounter problems we will endeavour to find a practical and sensible solution to it which involves the effective and sustainable use of resources.