Junior Travel Ambassadors

 Who We Are

We’re the Junior Travel Ambassadors (JTAs). With our JTA badges and bundles of enthusiasm, we’re the pupils who think about road safety and transport! We are all from Y5 and we work together to help all the children in school be aware of how to stay safe when they are out and about. 


What We Do

Every half term we meet with Marie who is one of the Cambridgeshire Road Safety Officers and she helps us to plan projects and competitions, organise prizes for competitions, and select the winners of existing competitions! We also regularly have lunch with Mrs Davies so that we can share our ideas and discuss our progress with current projects.


The role of a JTA is to encourage a safer, greener approach to transport. We like to see our friends and fellow pupils walking to school wherever possible. We have a lot of fun running competitions to encourage a safe and sensible attitude to roads.