Blue Class

Welcome to Blue Class! Our class is taught by Mrs Carridge and Mrs McGregor. Throughout the week we have amazing Teaching Assistants who come to support the children for some lessons including Mrs Richards, Mrs Cambridge, Ms McCabe and Mrs Brammar.  Please enjoy exploring our class page where you can find essential learning and recent updates from inside the classroom. 
Essential learning can be found on Google Classroom and on this class webpage. This learning covers key words, times table and handwriting practice. 
If you need to contact us, our email addresses are:
February 16th 2024
We had a fantastic day learning about Anglo Saxons and Vikings. 
The children looked amazing in their costumes.
Stay tuned for a couple of mini reviews about the interesting activities that we go up to.
In the meantime, here are some photos to show what we got up to.
Online links to fun games:
The Wizard of Oz 
We are so proud of all the children and how well they preformed. Their singing, in particular, was exceptional! Well done to you all!