Visit from poet Justin Coe

19th October 2022
In October we also had a visit from children’s poet visit, Justin Coe. He is a published poet who came into school for the day to share some of his poems with the children and then worked with each class in turn to write their own poems. We had a fantastic day with Justin; he performed some of his poems for the children, with a lot of audience participation from both children and adults and then worked with each class to help them write their own poems. He made the day great fun and encouraged all the children to have a go at writing poetry using the visit from the birds of prey as inspiration.

Fly, Fly Falcon

Fly to your nest

Fly, Fly Falcon

In your feather dress.


Fly, Fly Falcon

Fly to your nest

Fly, Fly Falcon

It’s what you do best!


Fly, Fly Falcon

Fly to your nest

Fly, Fly Falcon

Where your babies rest.


Fly, Fly Falcon

Fly to your nest

Fly, Fly Falcon

Don’t forget your vest!

Orange Class (Y1 aged 5 and 6 years)

Bird of Prey



Beady Eyed

Yellow talons

Silky feathers

Speckled feathers

Majestic flyer


Chick chewer

Leaf rustler

Tree-top percher

Graceful glider

Hunting hoverer

By - Blue Class (Y3/4 7 to 9 years)


Killer clawed Rambo by Violet class (Y6 aged 10 to 11 years)

Saucer eyed

Night swooper

Tree dweller

Pellet projector

Beak pecker

Rat snatcher

Chick kidnapper

Wing expander

Feather-frock wearer

Talon bearer

Fearfully driven into flight by all who saw him

Flap Falcon Flap

Flap flap your wings.


Flap Falcon Flap

Flap across the world.


Flap falcon flap

Flap across the seas.


Flap falcon flap

Flap your way to me.


By Red class (YR aged 4 and 5years)


Mr Mootoo’s Fantastic Flying Circus – by Yellow Class (Y2 aged 6 to 7 years)


Big-bellied buzzard

Flying in the sky.

Fast, floating falcon

Flying into a pie!

Optimistic, orange owl

Flying over the sea,

Crazy king kestrel

Flying into a tree.

Burping baby bird

Flying home to me!


Twitching-toed babies, singing sweetly,

Beautiful blue tits flittering around.

Fluffy owl feathers floating down from the sky.

Beaks as sharp as a needle,

Shining under the bright, silvery moon.

Eyes as green as grass or as yellow as autumn leaves,

Falcon’s feathers black like coal and as delicate as snow,

Birds, birds everywhere, why don’t you stop a while?

Birds, birds everywhere, when you see them you will smile.

The Falcon by Indigo Class (Y5 aged 9 to 10years)

Arrogant – eyed,

Wing wanderer,

Feather flutterer,

Talon sinker,

Hamster hunter,

Hooded hider,

Sky glider,

Beak biter,

Mouse thief